Until it's time to show you what a freak in the sheets fuk buddie. Some people would call me shy, Some people have called me a little scary, and some people call me both.
Looking for sane, sexy men and a chill, relaxed couple to party with. We are fairly open sexually but not into anything involving pain or anal sex of any kind. Oakbrook girls to fuck. Looks are not important at all as I am no prize myself; not bad, just average.
Beautiful women that knows exactly what she wants.I love to be spoiled by both.
We have been doing this already for sometime so we are experienced at this sort of thing. What I'm looing for to complement me is hard working, honest, funny man who has a big heart, kind, honest, disposed to communication. Now after becoming a "gold" member I am able to see how this all works and I have been reading quite a few profiles. WEHAD TRY EVERTHING IA that want sex AND WE LIKED IT.